Zen Buddhism
I am a Zen practitioner and senior student of Pat Enkyo O’Hara at the Village Zendo in New York.
The Village Zendo is in the White Plum Lineage of Soto Zen and is part of the Zen Peacemaker Order.
Dharma Talks
Self as City
May 17, 2020. How do we experience ourselves when everything around us changes? I speak about self as city in the light of the koan, “Chao Chou’s Four Gates.” listen
The Body Exposed
April 23, 2020. I speak about environmental thinker Donella Meadows, and how her practice of envisioning can help us in this moment, in relation to the koan, “Yun Men's The Body Exposed, The Golden Wind.” listen
Who Will Save This World?
January 9, 2020. I explore our relationship to planetary crisis though the koan, “Nanquan Kills a Cat.” listen
The Reluctant Bodhisattvas
November 7, 2019. I look at the story of the Bodhisattvas who refuse to visit Vimalakirti while he is sick and reflect on our own reluctance to connect with suffering. listen
Mount Mo’s Female Body
July 30, 2019. I tell the story of female Chan Master Moshan Lioran. listen
Does Gender Matter?
July 21, 2019. I explore the life and teachings of Prajnatara who is part of both our male and female ancestral lineages. listen