L’île Re-Sonante
(for Éliane

fog horn without the horn fog throbbing then like a boat pushing through waves intensity zinging against the hull in the distance still dark before the sun rises almost something speaking close vibrating huh huh huh huh huh zeee repeating now a new pretty note coming up like light melodic in the distance and then fading the boat still pushing through vibration waves the hull resounding the tone comes back like a feeling of wanting all rising together long horn fog the short day not yet here something begins to insist on itself a sine a sign still the throbbing wave now thrumming a new sine one note harmonics tuning in and out do I see land in the distance against the sea do I see sky for a moment it’s like singing the boat still pushing through regular waves where are we going the glasses on the boat vibrating against the table and some almost song like a ghost wondering wandering in the sound a sound-being the boat slows the land approaches the waves slacken and there are mountains showing against the dim sky snow flanked and a soprano singing the light up such slow light coming up insistently slow with an unstoppable momentum she is singing it into tone bright sun rising up intense we can almost hear her words but the low sun blinds operatic sun and clouds singing in chorus waking day sounds tones ringing together louder chorusing blinding singing the day no matter how short is day is the visible audible sky brightening inevitable the world arriving the body lighting up lying now on the deck of the boat looking up into resounding sky breathing in and out the body weeping breathing at once still and moving unstoppable time irising the soprano singing we singing they singing we they we they all in we they the moment extending itself impossibly elongated waves just moving the still boat no need I we they almost hearing almost seeing only light coming on yes we they and like women singing the body sings in the chorus harmonic taking one note and then another fading in fading out in ecstatic sounding light more sopranos and if we and if we could and if we if we if we could and if lightly and if lightly we could we could and we could and we could and we and we and we if color overtakes light if we and if we bright we and we all and we light light and we slower waves of light overtaking a breath in a singing a sigh a breath out now slowing waves gentling now if we all we distancing we a new throbbing presence of time the boat’s motor humming beneath the deck the boat wondering if it will move the body vibrating thrumming eyes closed in suspension waiting being slowly low sounding motor waiting before motion slow hovering small waves push against the bow against the still boat as if wondering as if half-sleeping eyelids down and breathing body time slowing the note of the motor has a color almost disappearing the body invisible the breath slowed then then a new note distant an island there silent in the water unmoving held harmonics in continuing only halfway between islands in the still ocean waiting sea expanding distances until a new articulation a reverberant step a knock against the hull watery knocking slow someone testing the metallic surface underwater something draining through the pipes ghost presences in the machine body and fear just perceptible something asks something wonders alert to the watery ghost how long have you been how long undernote like undertow current creaking the hull and vibrating the boat into the bones of the body bones of the ear a feeling like memory whispering through a dream just on the edge of remembering an uneasy dream wanting the waking mind to know but the eyes are closed the body held in stasis half waking breathing in to feeling slow waking to knowledge deep sounding moving through the still body and a wind in the cables singing slow breathing of the ship of the metal and bone body on the threshold of fear or wondering ocean life the floor of the ocean making itself felt planetary sounding immense and still the wind high half whistling half whispering in the boat lines the human body caught between forces the crush of heavy water of pressured atmosphere above and below pressing in to the self slow breathing a space between forces permits the feeling being listening body imagining space beyond body beyond sound nothing but question in the body a whistling awe slowing its asking to ring in the bones palms against the decking back against the decking back of the head touching down legs singing down finally just the bones of the ear resounding inside themselves and then the motor begins its hum again the boat moving slowly against waves pushing towards the next island held between tones a tone clearing the way the motor humming below felt through the body the palms the push through low waves the beacon calling the possibility ahead moving through water island almost visible in the dispersing light unstopping vibration unstopping waves island of tone of sine of harmonics going towards ongoing ferrying towards carrying the passenger the resounding body the ear body away and towards through water slowing and becoming close calm in the closening there thereness thrumming there through almost arriving held in the passage the body carried on over through waves towards arriving towards that place the place the placing arriving tone calling steady boat of coming towards landing the steady land approaching humming slowing boat almost the island almost sea almost meeting one and the other quieting meeting always just arriving now

“L’île Re-Sonante (for Éliane Radigue)” was published by Sound American. A related conversation with Audra Wolowiec can be found here.