Dance of Attention

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A new ESTAR(SER) presentation, The Dance of Attention (Auricular Radiance & Concentration:Spatial Choreography of Aural Attention in the Wallace Volée) will be part of the Glasgow International.

Join me online Saturday June 26, 2PM ET (7PM UK).

RSVP Required - A zoom link will be sent 30 minutes before the event.

The Dance of Attention (Auricular Radiance & Concentration: Spatial Choreography of Aural Attention in the Wallace Volée)Glasgow International Online - 26 June 2021, 7 PM British Standard Time, 1 PM Eastern   RSVP Required - A zoom link will be sent 30 minutes before the event.  Is it possible to listen to a painting? New evidence found in the W-Cache suggests that a small coterie consisting of a sculptor, a composer-eye surgeon, and a military inventor, may have come together in the lingering shadow of the first World War in a choreographed act of aural attention to ostensibly visual objects. Research associates of ESTAR(SER) will present preliminary findings including a reconstruction of this dramatic practice, and offer possible interpretations, engaging questions of how sonic and visual attention give rise to particular forms of apprehension of, and fusion with, the perceptible.  About ESTAR(SER): The Esthetical Society for Transcendental and Applied Realization (now incorporating the Society of Esthetic Realizers) is an established body of private, independent scholars who work collectively to recover, scrutinize, and (where relevant) draw attention to the historicity of the Order of the Third Bird.  With thanks to the Monira Foundation and the Friends of Attention.

The Dance of Attention
(Auricular Radiance & Concentration:
Spatial Choreography of Aural Attention in the Wallace Volée)

Glasgow International Online - 26 June 2021, 7 PM British Standard Time, 1 PM Eastern

RSVP Required - A zoom link will be sent 30 minutes before the event.

Is it possible to listen to a painting? New evidence found in the W-Cache suggests that a small coterie consisting of a sculptor, a composer-eye surgeon, and a military inventor, may have come together in the lingering shadow of the first World War in a choreographed act of aural attention to ostensibly visual objects. Research associates of ESTAR(SER) will present preliminary findings including a reconstruction of this dramatic practice, and offer possible interpretations, engaging questions of how sonic and visual attention give rise to particular forms of apprehension of, and fusion with, the perceptible.

About ESTAR(SER): The Esthetical Society for Transcendental and Applied Realization (now incorporating the Society of Esthetic Realizers) is an established body of private, independent scholars who work collectively to recover, scrutinize, and (where relevant) draw attention to the historicity of the Order of the Third Bird.

With thanks to the Monira Foundation and the Friends of Attention.


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