Sharawadji Mix

What is that? 

What did I just hear? 

The urban sound field is a mixture of accidental sound... 

Liquid Latex

I ask for liquid latex. “Up front,” the guy says. I head back towards the entrance where a wall of aging plexi divides the front door from the office…

Sappho’s Text

We encounter Sappho’s poetry, Sappho’s text, in fragments.

We encounter Sappho’s text as it dispersed into other texts, as it survived through quotation… 

Spread Sheet

It begins with a spreadsheet, a stand-in for the Library. Paul sends me the link along with an invitation: “I'm trying to deliver the whole collection to MoMA by mid-next week…

Art vs Wall vs Wall

“Nine hundred ninety five thousand one hundred twenty six BC,” says a male voice. “Nine hundred ninety five thousand one hundred twenty five BC,” says a female voice…

Art vs Wall

She has been all over my Twitter for weeks, naked, iridescent green, staring out from my phone screen, saying “look at me.” Now we’re face to face. Nose ring. Glossy purple lips. She has something to say to me, but she’s not saying it out loud…

Little Beasts

Participatory art fails. It fails first because you’re not there—if you’ve missed a narrow interval of space and time then what you get is just the story of someone else’s participation. It’s already a fantasy, a myth…

A Dream of Seeing

Here’s a painting, a dream: Woman Sewing by Lamplight, painted some time between 1870 and 1872 by Jean-François Millet. It depicts what its title names, a woman sewing by lamplight...

Index of Essays & Interviews

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